Install Kendo UI Core in Visual Studio Cordova

While working on a business grade mobile app using Telerik Platform and Visual Studio 2015 Professional. I was surprised how easy to build app using Telerik Platform, especially the Kendo UI that offers visual appealing mobile tools to build hybrid mobile app.

In this tutorial, I like to show you how you can get started with the Kendo UI Core (the free version of Kendo UI Professional) in Visual Studio 2015.

Before we get started, you may ask what is Kendo UI Core? Kendo UI Core is a Open Source (Free) UI Framework. This was the decision made by Telerik in 2014. Although Kendo UI Core is a strip down version of Kendo UI Professional, you got all the power needed to build a professional mobile app and most importantly it’s FREE.

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Top 5 Open Source E-commerce Platform in .Net

Microsoft has worked harder on open source communities and projects in recent years. It turns out more and more open source .Net projects released in different categories, such as Content Management System, Blog, and E-commerce. Today I would like to show you the top 5 Open Source E-commerce system in .Net.

Before get started, E-commerce system not only offers the shopping cart functionality, but also provides tools to marketing and inventory control, integration with 3rd party providers such as payment gateway or logistic providers. Therefore, you don’t usually see Open source e-commerce platform as many as Content Management System where it focus more on “Content” instead of “Sales” and “Transactions”.

In this article, I would like to keep it simple by providing the description of the E-commerce and advantages/disadvantages to you so you can judge yourself which one is the one for you. Keep it in mind, these are the open sources projects which can be downloaded “Free”. Since it’s free to download the source code, you can either DIY or purchase upgrade version or customized theme/plugin to make your customer’s shopping experience better. So let’s get started with the top 5 Open Source E-commerce platform in .NET

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c# Multithreaded – start thread with parameter and return value

When creating an application, you will face situations where you want to launch threads in order to keep the current process responsive. The System.Threading.Thread class is used for working with threads. It allows creating and accessing individual threads in a multithreaded application. The following codes shows how to launch a thread in different ways.

Continue reading “c# Multithreaded – start thread with parameter and return value”

Master Detail view in Asp.Net MVC

The master & detail view is particularly useful in displaying a list of records. In Asp.Net 2.0, it can be achieved by using the control of gridview and detail view. However, the page reload/post back is unavoidable when the gridview item is clicked until Microsoft Asp.Net team releases the Asp.Net AJAX in 2008, Now we are going to take a look how to implement the Master Detail view in Asp.Net MVC.

Continue reading “Master Detail view in Asp.Net MVC”

The ‘ProviderPackage’ package did not load correctly after installation of Visual studio 2012

I was kinda free last week and decide to take a look of the new Visual studio 2012 and experience some new features. However after I successfully install the visual studio 2012 professional and tried to open up a project that was made of visual studio 2010. It gives me the following warning message

The ‘ProviderPackage’ package did not load correctly

The project still loads and compiles without problem, but everything when the project loads into the 2012. The warning message pop up and it start getting annoy so I googled a little bit and found the solution to solve this is to install the visual studio 2012 Update 2. is that that simple? Yes..

Display datetime based on user’s timezone in Asp.Net MVC

When creating an internet application/website, your users located anywhere in the world, therefore it’s important to let user to choose their own timezone and display the datetime information according to their location.

In this article, I am going to show you how to display all available Timezone information using Asp.Net MVC, and convert the original datetime to selected Timezone datetime.

Continue reading “Display datetime based on user’s timezone in Asp.Net MVC”

Load Json List Using Jtemplate & Asp.Net MVC

Asp.Net MVC’s controller offer a way to return in Json format. You can take the JsonReult returned from controller and populate it into the view using Jtemplate, a template engine written in jQuery way. also a perfect “client solution” to display Json data into a Asp.Net MVC View.

With this template engin in jquery, it display list of json data via ajax call so that the page does not refresh. It not only makes the user experience much better without waiting page to refresh, but also save traffic(loads faster) by returning only Json data and let the javascript to perform the rendering.

Continue reading “Load Json List Using Jtemplate & Asp.Net MVC”

New Hosting, New Name

Finally, I had my blog moved to the new hosting. Besides that I gave the new name to my blog. It’s “Tien’s Blog” instead of “Platformular’s blog” which “Platformular “was the name of my Dev house. 

There are a few projects I am working on right now as well as blog articles. Hopfully they will be published soon.

Change to new blog hosting

It is troublesome when you start fighting spam for website, application or even this Blog!

There were a couple hundreds of thousands spam comments I deleted last week. Originally I was going to filter every comment and make sure that the useful comments can be posted. However, there were just too many spam comments to read through so I have to manually write a “delete *” sql commend against the MySQL.. (free up more than 4GB in disk space..LOL)

I am thinking to move my blog to where I can just concentrate more on writing instead of maintaining. If you have any ideas/suggestion about good blog host. email me at I am looking to migrate my blog in 2 weeks

As the same time, I have a number of request about my blog articles and hopefully they are coming out at the same time when my new blog’s ready 🙂